GabeRock: Time And Task Management

TIME AND TASK MANAGEMENT Master your energy to deliver effective results Spoiler: Leaders will never have enough time or resources to accomplish everything perfectly… but you can manage your time and resources wisely and still deliver amazing results. ENERGY ● Early Bird vs Night Owl - Which half of the day do you feel you can be most productive? ● Communicate your preferences to your teammates - Carve out one hour every day to stay focused on your assigned tasks. ● Sprints and Marathons...know how to run both of them - If everything is a priority task, none of them are. And if you wait until the last minute, it will only take you a minute. RHYTHM ● Build one that makes sense for the team, not you - Define purpose, audience, and in/outputs of every team event. ● “We have an event for that” - Avoid creating ...