GabeRock: Time And Task Management

Master your energy to deliver effective results

Spoiler: Leaders will never have enough time or resources to accomplish everything perfectly…
but you can manage your time and resources wisely and still deliver amazing results.

      Early Bird vs Night Owl - Which half of the day do you feel you can be most productive?
      Communicate your preferences to your teammates - Carve out one hour every day to stay focused on your assigned tasks.
      Sprints and Marathons...know how to run both of them - If everything is a priority task, none of them are. And if you wait until the last minute, it will only take you a minute.

      Build one that makes sense for the team, not you - Define purpose, audience, and in/outputs of every team event.
      “We have an event for that” - Avoid creating new meetings and and align personnel and  discussions to an existing event.
      Understand two levels up - Use higher level meetings to work backwards from and deliver purposeful actions and/or decisions. Time-constrained purpose will help eliminate waste.

      Minimize email interruptions - Turn OFF all visual/audible notifications; Turn ON delivery notifications from your supervisor and supervisor+1. Minimize the window when not in use. Keep your inbox as big as only one screen.
      Collaborate vs Send/Receive - Stop sending attachments; use collaboration spaces to increase transparency and efficiency.
      Chose a priority line of communication - “If [subject] is important, contact me by [method]”. These should vary based on your availability and urgency. The method should never be e-mail.

      Don’t bring work home - This applies physically and mentally. If you don’t create the separation, neither will get the attention they deserve.
      You won’t get any “do-overs” - Your career has a finite shelf life, but your family will or won’t be there when you decide to hang the uniform up.
      Outdated expectations - Family members have the choice to find a position on your work team, not an obligation.

      Meal prepping is your friend - If you leave these decisions to “on the fly”, they will often be poor ones.
      Meals + Snacks = never hitting “empty” on your fuel tank - Surround yourself with smart decisions to maintain a consistent level of energy. Eat during meetings, it is not your fault they scheduled a meeting during your normal feeding time.
      Understand and build an effective sleep routine - Unplug consistently and gradually wind down when going to bed. You are hurting yourself and the team by showing up half-charged.

      Be consistent and SHOW UP - You can always talk yourself out of doing certain get there first and then decide what to do.
      Mandatory appointments - Lead by example and prioritize your readiness for yourself and others.
      Individual vs Group: Know your accountability preference - With so many resources available to you, there are no excuses to staying consistent.


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