Punch in the Face - The Ultimate Feedback
Punch in the Face - The Ultimate Feedback

- The key is communication
- Tell everyone you lack EQ up front – if you set expectations, here is what a lack of EQ looks like:
- Conduct regular feedback sessions with direct subordinates and ask them how their teams are doing
- Make a habit of talking to your people to show you care (it should include things beyond work -- eg. family, hobbies, and future aspirations)
- The larger the organization the more difficult it is to do this
- Personal engagements will go more smoothly if you create ‘mini-bios’ on your people and study them beforehand
- Leverage teammates who have high EQ or use the ‘bro network’
- You don’t have to do everything yourself – teamwork is always stronger than any individual
- Solicit anonymous feedback
- I have seen commanders set up a comment drop box away from the unit
- Flight Commanders or shop chiefs can set up a comment box outside the office door
- Set up a whiteboard outside the office door which allows subordinates to make suggestions
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